Ella - I had fun at Earthkeepers camp! The best part was the tadpole fishing because I got to work with my friends. We got to use nets and dig around in the pond looking for weird insects, bugs and tadpoles. We caught a lot!
Caleb - I really liked the excursion to the mosque and the temple. We got to eat turkish delight which was delicious. I really liked the egg drop because it was fun making the boxes and trying to protect the egg. Mine was a really good design and my egg didn't crack when I dropped it onto the concrete.
Kunal - I really liked the egg drop. We got to be creative and design something to protect an egg. My design kept the egg from breaking. The other thing I really enjoyed was visiting the turkish delight factory and the mosque. We got to buy stuff and I learnt that it was the best turkish delight factory in the world. I got to try some and it was different to normal turkish delight. It tasted better.
Abby - I really liked the Earthkeepers Camp because it was fun. I got to sleep with my friends in the Emu's cabin which was great. I really liked when we got to meet some native animals and got to touch them. I loved the food at camp! I enjoyed sitting next to Millie in class all year! I liked when Mrs Stephens came and taught us and we got to do art which is my favourite subject!
Keira - I liked when we went to the Earthkeepers camp and we got to sleep with our friends in a cabin. I was in the Kangaroo cabin with my friends. I liked when we got to go fishing for bugs and insects and tadpoles. It was lots of fun. I liked when Mrs Taylor told a scary story around the campfire while we drank hot chocolate and roasted marshmallows.
Daniel - I really loved going on camp and learning about the environment and also being in 3/4T! I made lots of new friends in class. I loved designing my egg drop in class. We got to be really creative. My design was really good and when I dropped the container that I designed with the egg it didn't even break!
Remi - I loved going on the Earthkeepers camp because we got to play with our friends and it was like a big sleepover. I really liked being chosen by my class to do the Boronia's Got Talent and also play the violin to the class.
Charlie - I really loved designing the egg drop package. My design was really good and the egg didn't break when I dropped it. I loved the Earthkeepers camp and learning about the environment. Like Remi, I also thought it was like a big sleepover with your friends. I liked seeing Remi play the violin in front of the class. I also loved doing art with Mrs Stephens.
Leo - I liked when we went to Earthkeepers camp because I liked sleeping with my friends and the bicycle. I liked learning about the environment. I liked when we did the egg drop too.
Amelia - I liked being in Mrs Taylor's class and I liked getting into the talent quest. I really liked being with Jade in my class.
Jade - I liked being with my best friend Amelia and I'm really happy that Amelia and I got to be in the Boronia's Got Talent.
Lucas - I really liked designing the egg drop and my egg survived even though I didn't think it would. I really liked being in class with Caleb because we've known each other for a long time and hardly ever got to be in class with each other. I loved going to the turkish delight factory because I LOVE turkish delight!
Abigail - This year I liked doing the art classes with Mrs Stephens and library with Mrs Paull. I also liked going on the excursion to the mosque and the temple and I also liked the packaging unit where we got to design a package that protected an egg. My design was awful and the egg broke. It was too small and when I dropped it the egg was coming out everywhere.
Lucy - I liked doing the egg drop. My design was a box of hay with the egg in it. It had bubble wrap around it and it kept the egg from breaking! I also liked the excursion to the temple and the mosque. I think the paintings in the mosque were really pretty! In the temple I liked how they had a bowl of fruit and they had white ash which people put on their forehead.
Caillie - I liked when we got to go to the mosque and temple. I loved the turkish delight! I also liked doing creative writing with Mrs Taylor. I liked doing art with Mrs Stephens as well.
Jonathan - I liked the art we did with Mrs Stephens. I liked doing handwriting with Mrs Taylor. I loved going to Earthkeepers camp with my friends. I loved roasting marshmallows at the campfire.
Ash - I loved playing soccer with Mr Smyth in the PSSA team. We should've won but because of the year five and six camp we had to forfeit a game which meant we didn't get to go to the finals. I loved doing PE as well.
Josh - I liked visiting the mosque because we got to play at the park at lunch. I liked designing the package for the egg drop. My egg survived the drop!
James - I loved being in PSSA teams this year. I also liked designing the package for the egg drop. Mine was made out of cardboard, felt, paddle-pop sticks and bubblewrap. My egg survived!
Liam - I liked being in the PSSA AFL team with Mrs Taylor and the privilege it gave me! I liked the egg drop and how it challenged us. My package was made out of cardboard, foam, tape and newspaper and it kept the egg safe when I dropped it! My favourite subjects were maths, science and writing. I've enjoyed the year and the mosque and temple excursion were very interesting. I've enjoyed the computers and enjoyed reading the books from the library and learning new things every day, just to name a few.
Katija - I liked the Earthkeepers camp because it was a memorable thing and I wish we didn't have to leave. It was so funny when Mrs Taylor kept telling the scary stories and I guessed what the crime was. It was the gas!
Madison - I liked the egg drop and my egg survived! I also really liked camp. It was my favourite excursion! I really loved doing the Kris Kringle at the end of the year too!
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